HillCity Foundation Scholarship 2024

What Sets the HillCity Foundation Scholarship Apart?

1. Education Support Programme

The HillCity Foundation Scholarship provides more than just financial aid. It’s a comprehensive package that supports your academic journey in a Federal or State University in Nigeria.

2. Self-Discovery Programme

Discover your true potential with a program designed to help you understand and harness your strengths.

3. Mentorship Programme

Guidance is crucial in any student’s life. This scholarship offers mentorship, providing you with the wisdom and experience of those who have walked the path before you.

4. Economic Empowerment Programme

Equipping you for the future, this component focuses on empowering you economically, ensuring that your education translates into real-world success.

Are You Eligible for the HillCity Foundation Scholarship?

To be considered for this scholarship, you must meet certain criteria:

  • Academic Excellence: A minimum CGPA of 4.0 is required.
  • University Enrollment: You must be enrolled in a Federal or State University in Nigeria.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two recommendation letters from your lecturers are essential.
  • Identification: A valid ID card is necessary.
  • Academic Proof: You’ll need to submit a signed result or evidence of your CGPA by your Head of Department, along with a letter of identification from your department.

Follow these steps to apply:

  1. Visit the official online portal.
  2. Create an account and upload a passport photo.
  3. Complete the scholarship form thoroughly.
  4. Submit the form and then log in again to upload additional personal and academic information.

Required Documentation: Don’t Miss a Beat!

Make sure you have these documents ready for your application:

  • Passport photo
  • Birth certificate
  • O’level result
  • JAMB admission letter
  • Two recommendation letters
  • School ID card
  • Signed result/evidence of CGPA by your HOD
  • Letter of identification from your department

Don’t Miss the Deadline!

Mark your calendar: The application deadline is January 31st, 2024. Missing this date means missing out on this incredible opportunity.

In Conclusion

The HillCity Foundation Scholarship is more than just a financial grant; it’s a stepping stone to your future. With its comprehensive approach to student development, it stands out as a beacon of hope and opportunity. If you meet the criteria, don’t hesitate – apply today and unlock the door to a world of possibilities!

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