Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic School Fees 2023/2024

How much is the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees for new students? See the total cost of AAPoly school fees for all courses as well as Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees for freshers and returning students below.

This information is very vital for all aspiring students of Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Ijebu-igbo. We have provided details regarding AAPoly school fees for indigenes and non-indigenes as well as the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic ND school fees for part-time students.

So we advise you to take it very seriously as it is provided for sole informational reasons. Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees payment procedures for undergraduates are outlined below.

AAPoly School Fees for Freshers and Returning Students

Are you a prospective student of the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic and wondering how much the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic accepts as tuition fees? If so, we have got you covered!

This article was written to help all prospective students to know the total cost of AAPoly tuition fees for the 2023/2024 academic session and how to pay AAPoly school fees via the official AAPoly school fees portal.

We have published AAPoly school fees for all courses offered at Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic as well as Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees per semester. So read on to know the total cost of AAPoly school fees for freshers as well as that of returning students.

We are pleased to inform all who saw their names on the AAPoly admission list that the school management has released the amount to be paid as tuition fees. Below is a breakdown of the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees for freshers as well as returning students.

Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic School Fees 2023/2024 Academic Session

The Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees is N50,000 for new students and N33,000 for returning students for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Note: Late payment of AAPoly tuition fees for first-year students may either attract extra charges, inability to seat for a semester examination, or forfeit of admission. All freshers and old students are advised to pay the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic school fees early at the designated banks nationwide. Payment of AAPoly fees 2023 should be made within the stipulated time given by the school.

If you are an aspiring student of Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic, it is also good to know if the school offers your preferred course and the admission requirements for your chosen course. Check AAPoly courses to know more about the courses offered in the school and entry requirements into those courses.

You can also check Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic admission form to know more about the Post UTME screening exercise and how to apply for admission successfully without any hindrance.

If you have any questions regarding the school fees for AAPoly 2023, feel free to let us know by using the comment box below this page and we will respond immediately.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Balikis

    How much is the total fees for a fresher

  2. Mr. Adebisi

    Sir I am confused now that I have paid the acceptance fees of 30,000 naira . The portal now asked me to pay 110,000 for school fees. Pls how far it’s true ?

  3. Ojerinde Timilehin Elisha

    Can i pay the aapoly school fee twice?

  4. Osanebi Godspower

    Sir, there are many fraudsters parading themselves as admission agents, can I speak with AAP registrar directly ?My whatsapp number is 08054818950, My daughter has just been sent admission notice. I specifically want to know the right way to follow on the registration.

  5. Osanebi Godspower

    Sir, there are many fraudsters parading themselves as admission agents, can I speak with AAP registrar directly ?My whatsapp number is 08054818950, My daughter has just been sent admission notice. I specifically want to know the right way to follow on the registration.

  6. Gafar Ayomide Bakare

    How much is mass communication student paying as School fess for fresher

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